VIDEO: White House Confronted; Why Is Biden Lying, ‘Making Stuff Up’?


( – Today, a reporter attending the daily press event in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House asked what millions of Americans have been questioning. What is going on with Joe Biden that he constantly — almost daily — reconstructs events that he speaks about to the degree that he is telling total falsehoods?

You can watch what happened in the video further down this post.

Specifically, the reporter asked John Kirby, a retired United States Navy rear admiral now serving as Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House:

“John, in the last couple of weeks, the president has lied about being at Ground Zero the day after the September 11th attacks. Falsely claimed he saw a Pittsburgh bridge collapse. Claimed his grandfather died in the hospital days before his birth. What is going on with the president? Is he just believing things that didn’t happen did happen? Or is he just randomly making stuff up?”

You can watch Kirby’s response below. But, it is fair to say that Kirby dodged the heart of the question about what is going on with Biden mentally.

Here is the video:

What do you think is going on with Biden? Email [email protected] and share your thoughts and opinions. Thank you.