Trump Gets Huge Endorsement

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

( – Former President Donald Trump has been endorsed for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination and the White House by a key long-time aide of his then-Vice President Mike Pence just as the feud between the former running mates is exploding.

The latest high-profile endorsement for Trump’s renewed presidential ambitions has come from retired US Army Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, who was Pence’s National Security Adviser from 2018-2021.

Before joining the then-veep’s team, Kellogg served as the US National Security Council’s chief of staff for a year and was even President Trump’s interim National Security Adviser for a week in February 2017 between Michael Flynn and H.R. McMaster.

“[President Trump] stands apart as a figure of unwavering determination, a deep vision for America, and the courage to take a stand where others wilt,” Kellogg wrote in a Truth Social post on Monday.

“His bold and dramatic leadership style during his Presidency resulted in significant achievements for our country,” he added. The retired US Army general made clear his respect for former Vice President Mike Pence’s service to the nation but also his disappointment with the latter’s “recent actions” towards Trump.

He added Trump concentrated on America’s citizens, economy, and world standing, while Pence focused on “political maneuvering.”

“It is not the decisive leadership that we have seen from President Trump. Where President Trump is bold and unafraid to challenge the status quo, Pence has often chosen the passive route, avoiding confrontation,” the veep’s former ally declared.

Kellogg didn’t clarify what “actions” of his former boss disappointed him. Still, his remarks came just as Trump and Pence were trading blows in a war of words on the events between the 2020 presidential election and January 6, 2021.

After last week, the Biden Justice Department indicted Trump for supposedly attempting to overturn the 2020 election, Pence declared the then-president, and his lawyers asked him to do exactly that on January 6, 2021, from his position as president of the US Senate.

“What a Great Honor it is for me to receive a powerful Endorsement from very highly respected General Keith Kellogg, a true WARRIOR who was in the Trump Administration from the beginning. He knew the ins and outs, and the people, perhaps better than anybody,” Trump posted on Tuesday.