NOW: Campus Closed


( – HAPPENING NOW: Following the escalating and violent anti-Israel protests around the campus, the University of Southern California made it known that it would stay closed “until further notice” after a protest that led to the arrest of 93 individuals.

Captain Kelly Muniz wrote on X that Los Angeles Police Department officers arrived at the campus at approximately 4 p.m. after protestors refused to leave the area despite the university’s request.

Following clashes with campus police and the LAPD that lasted for hours, the protest ended with 93 arrests for trespassing.

“We haven’t determined if they’re going to be cited out or not. If and when, it is a misdemeanor offense. They are going, and they will be going through the booking process,” Muniz said, adding that the process is “lengthy.”

Muniz mentioned an altercation in a part of the protest zone that led to one arrest for assault with a deadly weapon. Although she did not specify the weapon or provide details, she stated that other agitators spread after the arrest.

When asked about injuries during the demonstration, Muniz stated she was not aware of any injuries to either protesters or officers.

The university declared the protest over at 11:58 p.m. but announced that the campus would remain closed “until further notice.”

“The protest on the UPC has ended. However, the campus remains closed until further notice. Students, faculty, staff, and people with business on campus may enter with proper identification,” USC shared on X.

The riot named the “Gaza Solidarity Occupation,” began Wednesday morning and was one of several similar demonstrations occurring on college campuses nationwide.

In a message to the campus community, USC Provost Andrew Guzman reiterated the university’s support for student freedom of expression but stressed the need to adhere to guidelines for demonstrations.

“We have established policies regarding restrictions on the time, place, and manner of free expression,” Guzman noted.

He added, “[T]hese include a ban on setting up tents or encampments, using loudspeakers, erecting signs on poles or stakes, and disrupting classes and other essential university functions.”

After security repeatedly asked the agitators to remove their tents and other prohibited items and relocate to a compliant area, they refused, which ultimately prompted the university to seek LAPD assistance.

The decision to close campus gates to unauthorized visitors “until further notice” was taken to “contain the protest’s expansion and maintain tranquility on the rest of the campus.”

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