Haley: ‘We Don’t Anoint Kings’


(GoRealNewsNow.com) – GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley recently voiced strong criticism against the Republican National Committee (RNC) highlighting concerns over Lara Trump’s statement about funneling every penny into Donald Trump’s election campaign.

In a conversation on ABC’s “This Week” with co-anchor Johnathan Karl, Haley expressed her worries about Donald Trump’s influence on the RNC including the use of party funds for personal legal issues and attempts to dominate party leadership.

“I mean it should be a wake-up call for Republicans all over this country,” Haley remarked. She pointed out “I mean you look at the fact that we saw in his campaign reports that he used $50 million of campaign contributions to pay for his personal court cases. Then he tried to get the RNC to name him the presumptive nominee. We don’t anoint kings in America.”

The discussion comes after Donald Trump endorsed his daughter-in-law Lara Trump for the co-chair position at the RNC and Michael Whatley for RNC chair praising Lara as “an extremely talented communicator who is dedicated to all that MAGA stands for.”

When asked about her previous commitment to support Trump if he becomes the Republican nominee, Haley reiterated her stance that Trump is not the right choice for president. “I don’t think he’s the right person at the right time. I don’t think he should be president. The last thing on my mind is who I’m going to support,” she stated. Haley emphasized her focus on winning and healing America, rather than supporting any particular candidate.

Karl also brought up the recent passing of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Haley criticized Trump’s apparent support for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggressive policies. She also took aim at President Biden and congressional leaders for not giving enough priority to national security, arguing, “Joe Biden has failed on that front. That has emboldened our enemies.”

Haley stressed her dedication to preventing a Trump nomination and subsequent election loss. “If Donald Trump is the nominee for the Republican Party, he will not win. Every poll shows that. He will not win. And we will have a president Kamala Harris,” Haley declared. She vowed to continue her campaign efforts saying “I’m not going to allow that to happen. I’m not stopping. I’m not going anywhere. We’re going to do this for the long haul and we’re going to finish it.”