Trump Smeared by Biden’s Aides

Donald Trump

( – In a bombshell report, it is now known that some of Joe Biden’s White House staffers have been referring  to former President of the United States Donlad Trump as “Hitler Pig.”

Politico reported that this term is commonly used by younger, tech-savvy aides to Joe Biden.

The use of the “Hitler Pig” nickname started after Trump had a dinner with rapper Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, known for his controversial views on the Holocaust and white nationalism, at the Mar-a-Lago estate just before Thanksgiving in 2022.

A Google search of the term brings up various images depicting the former president as a pig with a swastika armband. That suggests the characterization started online and was adopted later by people in the president’s orbit.

While the 77-year-old former president and likely Republican nominee for the upcoming 2024 presidential elections makes particularly shocking remarks, like what seems to be praise for the murderous Nazsi dictator, Biden’s staff reportedly resort to using the nickname.

“Hey, did you see what Hitler Pig said?” Biden’s aides will say in those situations.

In addition, this nickname did not escape notice on social media, where some users mocked it.

Former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, Marc Thiessen wrote on X, “White House nickname for Trump is ‘Hitler Pig.’ How humorless and pathetic is that?” while another user suggested the alternative “Pig Hitler” might be funnier.

Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita viewed the nickname as more of a reflection on the staffers who use it, rather than an attack on Trump himself.

He also expressed his discontent with Politico for finding it amusing and implied that it reflected poorly on the publication’s standards.

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