Sources: Biden Worried About THIS!


( – In a bombshell revelation, sources close to the White House have disclosed that Joe Biden is profoundly anxious – and, as it seems, justifiably so – about the criminal probes and charges against his infamous son, Hunter.

Last week, Hunter Biden was slapped with felony tax evasion charges in California, on top of the previous gun charges that he already faced in Delaware.

“You can see it in his eyes, and you can see his shoulders slump. He’s so worried about Hunter. And we’re worried it could consume him,” a source close to the president told Politico, as cited by Fox News.

“I know when he hurts. He doesn’t talk about it much, most of us don’t. He has a real human decency, and a lot of it is created by scarring. And he’s worried,” noted former Democrat US Senator Chris Dodd.

According to the report, the president is even concerned that the indictments could cause Hunter to resume taking drugs.

“The White House has long stressed that the president does not interfere in matters before the Justice Department. But privately, fears about the upcoming campaign and potential criminal trial have become an ever-present weight on the president, according to those close to him. The elder Biden has told friends he worries that his son could even backslide into addiction,” Politico writes.

Hunter Biden has been in the public eye recently, especially after his appearance Wednesday on Capitol Hill for a press conference where he criticized Republicans – instead of complying with a congressional subpoena for a private deposition.

During this event, he firmly stated that his father, President Biden, had never been “financially involved” in his business dealings.

“They have taken the light of my father’s love for me and done their best to turn it into darkness. They have no shame,” the first son claimed.

Joe Biden’s sensitivity towards his son has led to instances where he has sharply reacted to aides discussing Hunter Biden, particularly when he is mentioned as a potential electoral liability or when his presence alongside the president is questioned.

As a result, many aides now avoid the topic to prevent upsetting the president.

“The 81-year-old president is deeply sensitive about his son and has barked at aides who have mused about Hunter Biden as an electoral liability or those who wondered if he should be accompanying the president on the road,” Politico reported.

“Many aides now choose to avoid the subject, for fear of triggering the president’s temper, according to two of the five confidants. For example, no one raised whether it was a good idea for Hunter Biden to attend a June state dinner for India’s prime minister just days after accepting a plea deal,” the report informs.

The ongoing saga with Hunter Biden is causing concern among Democrats about the potential impact on President Biden’s prospects for the 2024 election.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has repeatedly stated that President Biden is proud of his son.

Meanwhile, Hunter has said in private conversations that he “might have to flee the country if Trump were to be elected president again, according to two people who have spoken to him.”