PROOF: Obama Scared of Trump

Barack Obama

( – In a new testimony to how much the left fears Trump, a report reveals that former President Barack Obama has warned current White House occupant Joe Biden that “45” shouldn’t be underestimated on the road to the 2024 election.

According to leftist newspaper The Washington Post, Obama reportedly told his former vice president, Joe Biden, that Trump’s campaign strength could be more formidable than it appears, especially when taken together with a revitalized GOP.

Obama voiced his Trump warning to President Biden during a private White House residence lunch on June 27, according to the Post’s two sources familiar with the meeting.

According to the report, Obama was troubled that a combination of factors – “intensely loyal supporters, conservative media, and a polarized country” – could come together for a perfect storm favoring Trump in the 2024 election, Newsmax reports.

Obama’s advice for Biden came up during one of their “regular catch-up” meetings.

The former wasn’t worried about Biden’s political abilities but about Trump’s “iron grip” on the GOP, the Post notes, as cited by Breitbart News.

Obama’s point about Trump as a mighty presidential candidate seems to be validated by the results from a New York Times – Siena College poll released Tuesday, showing him and Biden tied at 43% voter support in a hypothetical 2020 rematch.

Besides warming his former veep about the GOP nomination frontrunner, during their private meeting, Obama also promised Biden to “do all he could” to help him get reelected.

According to the sources, the former Democrat White House running mates also discussed various other matters – from policy issues to personal and family updates.

“We place a huge emphasis on finding creative ways to reach new audiences, especially tools that can be directly tied to voter mobilization or volunteer activations,” Obama adviser Eric Schultz told the leftist paper when asked about the private White House meeting.

“We are deliberate in picking our moments because our objective is to move the needle,” the Obama aide added.

“President Biden is grateful for [Obama’s] unwavering support, and looks forward to once again campaigning side-by-side … to win in 2024 and finish the job for the American people,” Biden campaign spokesperson, TJ Ducklo, commented.

Obama is now expected to start hosting or appearing at fundraisers for Joe Biden’s 2024 presidential campaign.