NOW: Bombshell Boeing News (Video)


( – BREAKING NEWS NOW: Just moments ago, in the wake of several mid-air events that could’ve resulted in tragedies, a massive shake-up was announced in the leadership of Boeing, the American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, among other products.

The shake-up includes the ouster of the Chief Executive Officer and several other key executives.

See the video about what is happening further down this post.

According to CNBC:

“Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun will step down at the end of 2024 in part of a broad management shake-up for the embattled aerospace giant.

Larry Kellner, chairman of the board, is also resigning and will not stand for reelection at Boeing’s annual meeting in May. He will be succeeded as chair by Steve Mollenkopf, who has been a Boeing director since 2020 and will lead the board in picking a new CEO, Boeing said.

“And Stan Deal, president and CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, is leaving the company effective immediately. Moving into his job is Stephanie Pope, who recently became Boeing’s chief operating officer after previously running Boeing Global Services.” [emphasis added]

Why the major overhaul of the company’s leadership?

“The departures come as airlines and regulators have been increasing calls for major changes at the company after a host of quality and manufacturing flaws on Boeing planes. Scrutiny intensified after a Jan. 5 accident, when a door plug blew out of a nearly new Boeing 737 Max 9 minutes into an Alaska Airlines flight.” [emphasis added]

Here is the video:


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