More Trouble For Joe and Hunter


( – Joe and Hunter Biden are facing more compromising revelations as House Republicans have now demanded Air Force 2 flight records from Joe’s time as vice president.

On Wednesday, the House Oversight Committee and US Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) sent a letter to the National Archives agency asking for documents and communications mentioning then-Vice President Biden’s Air Force 2 flights with his son.

The letter notes that Hunter accompanied his father on foreign trips to at least 15 countries during the Obama administration.

“The Committee is concerned about then-Vice President Biden’s role in his family’s foreign business ventures and that he may have used his office to enrich his family. For example, recent reporting indicates Hunter Biden traveled to at least 15 countries with then-Vice President Biden,” the House Oversight letter reads, as cited by The Daily Caller.

“The Committee has also learned that then-Vice President Biden met with at least one of Hunter Biden’s associates in Beijing while visiting on official business,” it adds, noting the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the custodian of vice-presidential records.

The House Oversight Committee and its member Donalds are asking NARA to grant them unrestricted access to the relevant Air Force 2 records by September 13, 2023, based on the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

PRA allows US lawmakers to access presidential records otherwise not accessible to the public.

A recent analysis by Fox News of messages and Secret Service records found on Hunter Biden’s leaked “laptop from hell” showed that the first son went to no fewer than 15 countries on his father’s Air Force 2 visits.

Those included visits to Canada, Mexico, and countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

“The walls are closing in on the Biden Family due to consistent and diligent efforts by House Republicans who’ve followed the money, conducted meticulous interviews and hearings, and uncovered undeniable corruption,” Congressman Donalds commented.

“[The committee’s] latest undertaking [seeks] to expose then Vice President Biden’s gross misuse of Air Force Two and Marine Two to benefit his family’s enterprise. The American people deserve to know how much their former Vice President and current President abused his power to shake down foreign governments and enrich his family to the tune of millions of dollars,” the Florida Republican elaborated.