Key Dem Compares Trump to WHO?!

Donald Trump

( – In a show of deranged leftist narrative, Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) offered a baffling comparison, equating a potential second term of a Trump presidency to the regimes of authoritarian leaders like President Vladimir Putin of Russia.

Speaking on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” Raskin, a key figure in the now-disbanded House select committee leading a partisan and biased impeachment probe against Trump for the events on January 6, 2021, drew parallels between Trump’s potential governance style and that of authoritarian leaders.

“Well, the role of the government in his view is to advance his political fortunes and destroy his political enemies. So what would a second term look like? It would look a lot like Vladimir Putin in Russia. It would look a lot like [Prime Minister Viktor Orban] in Hungary — illiberal democracy, meaning democracy without rights, or liberties, or respect for the due process, the system, the rule of law,” Raskin asserted.

He further characterized such authoritarian regimes as ones that do not accept election outcomes unfavorable to them. “They don’t accept elections that don’t go their way,” Raskin explained. He also highlighted their tendency to not only condone but embrace political violence as a means to gain and maintain power, all centered around the whims of a charismatic leader, a description he associated with Trump.

Raskin claims a drastic departure from traditional democratic governance, indicating a shift towards a right-wing, authoritarian government in alignment with other global autocrats. “So we are clearly headed into a completely different form of government than any of us would recognize, as continuous with the past — right-wing, authoritarian government in league with Putin, [Chinese President Xi Jinping], Orban, [former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro], you name it,” he said.

This commentary comes as Trump leads the Republican primary field, polls in battleground states and across the nation while fighting 91 criminal felony charges across four separate indictments, two at the state level and two at the federal. Trump has made suggestions on Truth Social and during public rallies that, if reelected, he might seek justice against political adversaries, including Joe Biden.