HUGE: 80% Support


( – Although liberals are increasingly moving to the extreme left, a recent Harvard/Harris poll revealed that U.S. voter support for Israel remains robust and is even strengthening.

The survey, conducted between July 26 and 28 with 2,196 registered voters, has a margin of error of 2.1%.

It shows that 80% of voters still back Israel in its conflict with Hamas, maintaining the same level of support as in June.

Among those aged 18-24, 54% did not find the attacks justifiable, with support increasing across older age groups, reaching 93% among those over 65.

An increasing number of voters, now at 66%, up from 62%, believe that Israel is attempting to keep civilian casualties to a minimum.

Furthermore, 70% now say a ceasefire should only occur once Hamas is no longer in control of Gaza, an increase from 67% last month.

Consistent with previous findings, 66% support Israel’s right to retaliate if Hezbollah keeps launching rockets into Israeli territory, closely matching June’s 67%.

Moreover, in U.S. politics, the poll indicates that Republican candidate Donald Trump is ahead of Democrat candidate Kamala Harris by 3 points, or 4 points if the “unsure” option is excluded.

This gap is smaller compared to June’s poll, which had Trump leading Biden by 7 points with “unsure” included and 4 points without it.

Additionally, earlier iterations of this poll have consistently shown that registered U.S. voters are more supportive of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies than those of Joe Biden.

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