Biden Investigation Interference Exposed


( – A new damning testimony that may have fatal political consequences for Joe Biden has now emerged as a former US prosecutor has disclosed that the federal probe into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings was constantly halted and obstructed by the FBI.

On Monday, the now-former US attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Scott Brady, testified behind closed doors before the House Judiciary Committee.

The transcript from his testimony shows the FBI and the US Justice Department “significantly hobbled his investigation,” The Washington Times reports.

In his interview, Brady revealed that the FBI informant file claims that President Joe Biden and his Hunter were bribed with $5 million each by a pro-Russian Ukrainian energy oligarch – Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of the now-defunct energy company Burisma.

Zlochevsky is now wanted for corruption and money laundering by Ukraine and is hiding abroad.

Assigned by Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen in 2020, Brady probed the Bidens’ connections to a Ukrainian energy firm but faced resistance from senior FBI officials.

According to Brady, the FBI’s top brass seemed to slow or halt the inquiry deliberately.

“I think there was reluctance on the part of the FBI to do any tasking related to our assignment … looking into allegations of Ukrainian corruption broadly and then specifically anything that intersected with Hunter Biden and his role in Burisma. It was very challenging,” Mr. Brady told US lawmakers.

The former US prosecutor recounted how FBI special agents working on the case encountered frequent obstacles from FBI headquarters, which delayed the investigation for months.

He expressed frustration about the lack of progress, attributing it to the challenges posed by the FBI’s upper echelons.

The former prosecutor said that, at one point, his team was prevented from advancing the investigation for five months.

“It was incredibly challenging, and we did not make much progress at all,” disclosed Brady, who resigned as US attorney in February 2021.

A significant element under scrutiny was the transcript in which an FBI informant claimed that both then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter received a $10 million bribe. Brady described the source as a “credible human informant (CHI).”

Deeming this allegation credible, Brady alerted three US attorney’s offices, including Delaware’s office, investigating Hunter Biden for tax fraud. However, there was no subsequent action from these offices.

In one instance, extending Brady’s probe into the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine had to be approved by 17 different FBI officials.

“There was a larger group at the FBI, including FBI headquarters, that had eyes on what was happening, and which required signoff for any investigative steps that FBI Pittsburgh was asked to take by us,” the former prosecutor said.