VIDEO: Thugs Attack With Baseball Bat


( – In a brutal act confirming crime is going unchecked in the blue state, thugs wielding baseball bats assaulted a 58-year-old woman while she walked in downtown Manhattan.

Watch the video further down this post.

Surveillance footage captured two masked attackers, armed with a baseball bat, targeting the woman in broad daylight.

According to the New York Post, the incident happened around 2 p.m. First, the video showed one of the thugs approaching the woman from behind as she used her phone and punched her in the back of her head.

Subsequently, the woman staggered against a nearby store wall, where the second attacker began repeatedly striking her with the bat while the first tried to grab her purse.

Despite their violent attempts, they fled the scene empty-handed.

The non-identified victim was taken to New York Downtown Hospital, where she received treatment for bruising on her left leg and swelling on the back of her head.

Likewise, authorities have labeled the suspects as strangers to the victim and are actively searching for them.

While no arrests have been made yet, police are urging anyone with information on the attackers or the incident to step forward and aid in the ongoing investigation.

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