VIDEO: Amazing Rescue


( – A miracle rescue was caught on video when a crane saved a worker trapped on top of a burning high-rise building by bringing to him a cage that the distressed man managed to climb into.

See the video below.

The dramatic fire incident and rescue, which were captured on video, occurred at the Station Hill development site in Reading, located in Berkshire County, Southeastern England, The Daily Caller reports.

The rescue, which took place on Thursday, involved the skillful use of a crane.

The footage, which was widely shared on X, depicts the intense moments leading up to the worker’s escape from the dangerous situation.

The video shows the worker, engulfed by flames on the high-rise, attempting to access a white cage being lowered by the crane.

Initially, the fire, which billowed menacingly towards him, prevented his entry into the safety of the cage.

Meanwhile, firefighters were seen combating the blaze with water hoses from inside the building.

On the street below, other emergency responders and a crowd of onlookers gathered, watching the scene unfold with palpable concern.

A critical moment occurred when the wind shifted, temporarily diverting the flames away from the trapped workman.

Seizing this opportunity, he quickly climbed into the cage and secured himself by closing the door.

Shortly after, the fire surged back in his direction, but the crane had already begun its crucial work.

The workman was lifted to safety, much to the relief and cheers of the crowd below, as seen in the video.

The response to the fire was significant, with over 50 firefighters from various stations across the county arriving at the scene.

The Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service (RBFRS) reported that their teams were called to the emergency at 11:38 a.m. local time.

This harrowing incident highlights the dangers faced by workers on construction sites, especially on high-rise projects, and underscores the importance of emergency preparedness and the swift response of rescue services.

The timely intervention of the crane operator and the coordination among different emergency response teams undoubtedly played a crucial role in averting a potential tragedy.