TV Star Preparing to Die


( – Being a wealthy famous TV star has not excluded her from having one of the most painful and deadly illnesses, yet Shannen Doherty says she is learning how to let go while preparing to die.

The “Beverly Hills, 90210” star, who is battling stage 4 breast cancer, opened up about the emotional process of cleaning her storage units and homes to ensure an “easier transition” for her mother, Rosa, when she dies.

“My priority at the moment is my mom,” the actress said during Monday’s episode of her “Let’s Be Clear” podcast. “I know it’s going to be hard on her if I pass away before her.”

She continued, “Because it’s going to be so hard on her, I want other things to be a lot easier. I don’t want her to have a bunch of stuff to deal with. I don’t want her to have four storage units filled with furniture.”

The 52-year-old actress revealed that she began sorting through her possеssions to donate or sell antiquеs and other items she has collected over the years “just in case” something wеre to happen to her.

Doherty recently traveled to her Tennessee home to pack up her belongings after deciding to let go of her dream of living on the property and caring for horses.

“So we were in Tennessee and I was packing up one of the places there,” she remembered. “It was really hard and really emotional because to a certain extent — I felt like I was giving up on this dream of building this property out, and putting a house for me and a house for my mom and then extending the barn.”

Doherty had intended to create a sanctuary for elderly or injured horses abandoned by their owners as part of her dreams.

“I was packing up and I started crying … I felt like I was giving up on a dream and what did that mean for me? Did it mean that I was giving up on life? Did it mean that I was throwing in the towel?

However, a week after returning home, the “Charmed” leading actress realized that her dream was impractical due to the cost of renovating the property and had to let go as it was “the right thing to do” and would bring her a sense of “peace.”

“It allows me to take more trips because I’m making money by selling it,” she added. “Then I get to build different memories with the people I love.”

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