Trump Now Leads in These Battleground States

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

( – Gaining Americans’ hearts and assuring more terrain in the presidential election landscape, former President Donald Trump is outpacing Joe Biden in the crucial states of Georgia and North Carolina in their potential head-to-head rematch.

According to the Marist surveys, Trump holds a 51 % to 47 % lead over Biden among registered voters in Georgia, while in North Carolina, he leads by 51 % to 48 %. The polls also reveal Trump gaining ground among independents, black voters and the 18-to-29 age group.

Recent surveys indicate that among independents in Georgia, Biden leads Trump by just one point, whereas Trump is ahead by six points in North Carolina. In the previous election Biden had a nine-point advantage among independents in Georgia and a four-point lead in North Carolina.

Director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion Lee M. Miringoff remarked “North Carolina has been a battleground state for several presidential election cycles and remains so in 2024. Both Biden and Trump have secured their base.”

He also said that “[t]he tale of the tape will be who commands independent voters and voters who dislike both presidential candidates.”

Trump holds a five-point lead among the 18-to-29 age group in Georgia and trails by just one point in North Carolina. In the last cycle, Biden had a 13-point lead over Trump among young voters in Georgia and a 17-point lead in North Carolina.

In terms of black voters, Biden maintains a strong lead, which captures 75 % to 24 % in Georgia and 79 % to 20 % in North Carolina. In 2020, Trump garnered 88 % to 11 % of the black vote in Georgia and 92 % to 7 % in North Carolina.

While Trump won North Carolina in 2016 and 2020, his victory margin over Biden was slim at 1.3 points last cycle.

Both Trump and Biden secured their parties’ presumptive nominations on March 12 after they crossed the required delegate thresholds in nominating contests across several states.

Trump currently leads Biden by 5.5 points in the RealClearPolitics average for Georgia and by five points in North Carolina. Nationally, he holds a 2.1-point lead and has been ahead in over 100 polls this cycle.

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