Trump Makes His Move


( – In a significant new pushback against pro-left persecution seeking to prevent him from running in the 2024 election on a technicality, Donald Trump has appealed to the US Supreme Court to overturn a Colorado Supreme Court ruling that removed him from the state’s primary ballot.

Specifically, attorneys representing Trump have filed an appeal with the Supreme Court asking that the December 19 decision by Colorado’s high court be thrown out.

The Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling, reached by a narrow 4-3 margin, stated that Trump was ineligible for the January 5 certification for the primary over participating in an “insurrection” during the January 6, 2021 events at the US Capitol.

The court cited Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits those who have engaged in insurrection from holding office.

This ruling has been stayed pending the appeal to the US Supreme Court.

In the 34-page motion filed on Wednesday, Trump’s lawyers, Scott Gessler and Harmeet Dhillon, contended that the decision undermines the democratic system.

“[I]n our system of ‘government of the people, by the people, [and] for the people,’ Colorado’s ruling is not and cannot be correct,” they argued.

“The question of eligibility to serve as President of the United States is properly reserved for Congress, not the state courts, to consider and decide. By considering the question of President Trump’s eligibility and barring him from the ballot, the Colorado Supreme Court arrogated Congress’ authority,” the filing added.

Trump’s legal team challenges the decision on three grounds: the presidency not being covered by Section 3, the incorrect portrayal of Trump as having engaged in violence that day, and the constitutional violation by the court in intervening in this matter.

“Forcing President Trump to prove that he is not disqualified before appearing on the ballot effectively adds a new, extra-constitutional requirement to running for office,” the Trump team wrote.

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung criticized the Colorado high court decision in a statement.

“Crooked Joe Biden’s comrades, including the Colorado Supreme Court and CREW, a radical, left-wing activist group, are doing all they can to disenfranchise all American voters by attempting to remove President Trump, the leading candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election, from the primary ballot,” Cheung said.

The Colorado Republican Party has also appealed the ruling, with a 45-page filing claiming the decision has caused irreparable harm to the party.

The American Center for Law and Justice, representing the state party, argued that the ruling unconstitutionally interferes with the party’s ability to select its candidates.