New Info Stuns GOP

Election 2024

( – Stunning new information has come out of a new poll: former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is supposedly the only Republican presidential candidate who could defeat Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

According to the results from a CNN/SSRS survey published Thursday, Haley enjoys a 6% lead over Biden in support among American voters, The New York Post reports.

51-year-old Haley, a former Trump ally and US ambassador to the UN, has been polling primarily in the single digits among Republican primary voters.

The poll found that, besides Haley, other GOP presidential nomination candidates’ lead over Biden fell within its 3.5-point error margin.

According to the survey results, former President Donald Trump has a 1-point lead over the incumbent president, at 47% to 46%.

Former Vice President Mike Pence is doing slightly better, with a 2-point lead over Biden, at 46% to 44%.

The poll’s projected result in a matchup between South Carolina US Senator Tim Scott, 57, and Joe Biden is the same, 46-44.

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, 61, is also found to have a 2-point lead over Biden but at 44% to 42%.

According to the CNN survey, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy is the only GOP presidential hopeful to trail Biden, at 45% to 46%.

The poll also discovered that 46% of the respondents thought any Republican candidate would be better than Biden. In comparison, 32% said the incumbent would be better than a possible GOP White House contender.

When asked about Donald Trump, 38% of the respondents said he would be better than any Democrat, while 44% replied that any Democrat presidential candidate would be preferable to Trump.

At the same time, 67% of the Democrat respondents declared they would like to see someone other than Biden as their party’s nominee. Yet, the same number, 67%, are convinced that the president would win the nomination anyway.

The CNN poll surveyed 1,259 voters from August 25-31. Its conclusion that Nikki Haley has the most significant lead over Joe Biden was celebrated by her campaign.

“NIKKI HALEY is our best hope in taking back the White House. We only have one shot. It’s time to play to win,” campaign spokesman Ken Farnaso wrote on social media.