Israeli General’s Shocking Admission (video)


( – In a shockingly painful but seemingly honest admission, Israel’s highest military commander has exposed mind-shattering intelligence and defense failures that allowed one of America’s top allies to be attacked by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

In its surprise attack on October 7, the symbolic 50th anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, thousands of Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip crushed Israeli border defenses and began massacring civilians.

More than 1,300 people have perished in their attacks, including 14 Americans, while hundreds are believed to have been kidnapped.

On Thursday, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the chief of staff for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), issued his first public remarks since the onset of the conflict, acknowledging failures in intelligence and defense readiness.

“The IDF under my command understands the gravity of the situation and the responsibility on our shoulders. We will learn and analyze what happened, but now is a time of war,” Halevi stated.

“The massacre by the murderous and animalistic Hamas terrorists of our children, our women [and] our people was barbaric. It was not humane,” he added.

He directed explicit accountability toward Yahya Sinwar, the prevailing Palestinian leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

“He and the entire system underneath him are ‘dead men walking.’ We will strike them, break them, and dismantle their system. The fighting spirit of the IDF strikes Gaza with full force. We will not stop here. There is decisiveness [and] there is fury,” Halevi said.

The top Israeli commander warned that the dismantling of Hamas infrastructure would take time and patience from Israelis.

While he did not specify whether a ground invasion was under consideration, various security analysts, both in Israel and internationally, have perceived it as probable, especially considering the appalling character of the Hamas assault.

“Gaza will not look the same. We achieve a situation where those who led Gaza will be intensely struck and dismantled. Whoever remains there will understand that such a thing is not to be done to the State of Israel,” Halevi said.

“We will do everything we can to return the kidnapped victims. We will strike a decisive blow to our enemies. That is our mission today and we are determined to achieve it,” he vowed further.