Israel, Hamas Cut Deal


( – Despite the bloody battles between the Palestinian Islamist terror group Hamas and US ally Israel, the two sides have agreed to prolong their original four-day truce for two more days while negotiating the release of 20 more hostages by the terrorists.

Hamas massacred over 1,400 people during its surprise attack on Israel on October 7 while kidnapping over 240 others and using them as bargaining chips to secure the release of terror convicts by the Israeli side.

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has been extended for an additional two days, a development that promises the release of 20 more hostages, as announced by Majid Al Ansary, the spokesperson for the Qatari Foreign Ministry, in a statement released on X Monday.

This extension comes on the heels of the initial four-day ceasefire, which was a result of negotiations culminating in the exchange of 50 Israeli hostages for 150 Palestinian security prisoners.

Under the terms of this agreement, Israel has thus far released 117 prisoners and facilitated the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, National Review reports.

In turn, Hamas has released a total of 58 hostages, 39 of whom are Israeli citizens.

Before this truce, the group had released four hostages, managed to rescue one, and discovered two deceased individuals within Gaza.

It is estimated that about 175 people are still held captive by Hamas.

Before the announcement of the ceasefire extension, plans were in place for the release of a fourth batch of hostages on Monday, following the established pattern of releasing captives in groups.

However, the release of the second group, which included 13 Israelis and four Thai nationals, encountered a hiccup on Saturday.

Hamas accused Israel of breaching the ceasefire terms, a claim that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) refuted. Despite these allegations, this group of hostages was eventually repatriated just before the Saturday midnight deadline.

Israel has expressed concerns regarding Hamas’s adherence to the terms of the ceasefire from the beginning. Merely fifteen minutes into the truce, the IDF intercepted a rocket fired from Gaza, alleging that Hamas was responsible for the launch.

Additionally, Hamas has been accused of violating the agreement by releasing children without their families.

On Sunday, a significant development occurred with the release of the first American hostage by Hamas, four-year-old Abigail Edan, whose parents the terrorists massacred before her eyes on October 7.