Hunter Indictment ‘Shatters’ Joe’s Lies (Video)

Hunter Biden

( – In powerful new comments, renowned legal scholar Jonathan Turley has declared that the new indictment of infamous First Son Hunter Biden for tax evasion in California has destroyed President Joe Biden and others’ lies and denials about the first family’s foreign business affairs.

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Turley, a George Washington University law professor, spoke in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity at the end of last week.

On Thursday, US Special Counsel David Weiss initiated a nine-count indictment in California against Hunter Biden over the latter’s failure to pay more than $1 million in taxes in 2016-2019.

“The fact is that this indictment shatters years of denials by the Bidens and frankly, by an enabling media,” Turley declared.

“The fact is that this is a circle that is getting tighter around the president. It is clear that the president has lied. He obviously lied during the first campaign when he said he had no knowledge of these dealings. Hunter himself contradicted that. Hunter’s associate said it was utter nonsense in recent statements after his testimony. He also said that his son didn’t make any money in China. That obviously is not true,” the law professor elaborated.

A Fox News report points out that on July 26, Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to a felony gun charge and two misdemeanor tax charges in Delaware, after the collapse of a plea deal announced on June 20.

“There is a more serious problem here, and that is what the president knew of was not business dealings, it was corruption. That’s what influence peddling is,” Turley said.

“The United States has pushed international agreements to stop influence peddling in other countries, the United States believes it’s a leading source of destructive corruption. If the president knew that his family was engaging in that type of corruption, of course it is serious,” the scholar insisted.

He added that Hunter Biden’s new indictment would make the situation harder for Joe Biden, thought it might actually improve the position of the first son.

“We are looking at two events next week. One is when Hunter Biden is supposed to appear [for a congressional deposition], that may now be effectively scuttled. Hunter may be able to use this to plead the fifth, to refuse to answer questions. But the second event is the expected vote on the impeachment inquiry. This indictment might make it easier for Hunter not to speak, but it may make it more difficult for President Biden to avoid that inquiry,” Turley concluded.