FBI Opens Criminal Investigation


(GoRealNewsNow.com) – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has opened a criminal investigation into claims and mounting evidence that the Trump presidential campaign was targeted in a hacking operation.

According to the campaign’s accusations, the alleged hacking was carried out by Iranian actors. This comes after major news outlets like Politico, The Washington Post, and The New York Times reported receiving files purportedly stolen from the Trump campaign.

The investigation started after Microsoft identified a hacking attempt involving a phishing email sent from a compromised account of a former senior adviser to a presidential campaign to another top adviser. The company did not reveal which campaign was targeted or whether the phishing attempt was successful.

Moreover, the Trump campaign has been reluctant to fully cooperate with federal investigations, likely due to former President Donald Trump’s tense relationship with federal law enforcement agencies.

Chris Krebs, former director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, highlighted the possible national security risks of this hesitation.

“There may not be a desire to collaborate all that much,” Krebs said. “That, unfortunately, can impede — from a national security perspective — our understanding of the event and what’s happening.”

As international tensions continue to affect U.S. politics, former officials and cybersecurity experts emphasize the importance of transparency and swift action by intelligence agencies to counter foreign interference and disinformation efforts effectively.

This view is shared by Democrat California Representative Adam Schiff, who urges the Intelligence Community to quickly declassify and share any relevant information to help guard against foreign influence.

“Intelligence Community should move with great alacrity to declassify and disclose any appropriate information it has concerning the potential foreign nature of this interference,” Schiff wrote on Twitter.

“Transparency is still our best deterrent against foreign influence operations,” he added.

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