Drug Raid Finds THIS Huge Stash


(GoRealNewsNow.com) – In a scene reminiscent of a modern gangster movie, a lavish “magic mushroom” production facility has been uncovered within the walls of a suburban home in Connecticut, valued at millions of dollars.

Upon receiving an anonymous lead, police descended upon Westen Soule’s residence in Burlington, Connecticut. There, officers observed an array of ventilation systems, a hallmark of covert drug laboratories, as reported by state authorities.

Upon Soule’s refusal to permit detectives entry into his residence, search warrants were swiftly executed. Following law enforcement to a separate garage, Soule revealed a substantial mushroom cultivation site, as detailed in a state police public statement.

The operation culminated in the confiscation of an estimated $8.5 million in psychedelic mushrooms in various maturation phases, per state police disclosures.

Initially, Soule contested the legality of the mushrooms. However, he purportedly conceded, recognizing the seized fungi as “psilocybin” or “magic mushrooms” after his laboratory was discovered.

Characterized by their ordinary appearance, these psychoactive mushrooms induce significant sensory and emotional alterations, including hallucinations, as outlined by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation. Recognized as a staple in dance clubs and raves, the substance’s profile has been highlighted by the Department of Justice.

Photos released by the Connecticut State Police reveal the extent of Soule’s operation. Images display rooms laden with metallic shelving, brimming with oversized mushroom bags, and a glimpse into a room filled with the alleged contraband through a door ajar with a ventilator in view.

Soule now faces charges for narcotics possession with the intent to sell/distribute and operation of a drug manufacturing site. Detained on a $250,000 bond, his New Britain Superior Court court appearance is slated for November 16.

The bust was spearheaded by the DEA Hartford Task Force in conjunction with the Connecticut State Police, illustrating a significant strike against clandestine drug operations.