Democrats Scared of THIS!


( – Concerns are growing among Democrats about Joe Biden, aged 81, participating in presidential debates against former President Donald Trump this fall.

This fear is largely fueled by worries about Biden’s physical and mental capabilities, as reflected in various polls.

Redfield & Wilton Strategies reports a majority of Democrats expressing concern about Biden’s ability.

A YouGov poll indicates that 55% believe Biden’s health and age severely limit his capability to perform presidential duties.

An NBC News survey shows most registered voters have major concerns about Biden’s age and health.

Senate Democrat Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) has expressed reservations about Biden debating Trump, citing his personal experience of witnessing Trump’s behavior during a debate with Hillary Clinton. Durbin characterized Trump’s debate style as an opportunity for him to showcase his extremism.

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), a close ally of Biden, also advised caution. Coons recalled a 2020 debate moderated by Chris Wallace, where he felt Trump showed a lack of respect for the rules, tradition, and decorum, describing it as a disaster.

Coons argued that Trump’s previous debate conduct and his current refusal to debate primary opponents make a strong case against giving him the legitimacy of a debate stage.

James Carville, a prominent Democratic strategist, suggested that Biden might be better off avoiding debates to prevent potential damage.

However, he acknowledged that if Trump secures the Republican nomination, he would have the legitimacy to demand a debate with Biden. Carville speculated that public opinion might strongly favor holding a debate, and not participating could have consequences.

The Commission on Presidential Debates has scheduled three debates for 2024 in Texas, Virginia, and Utah. As of now, neither Biden nor Trump has committed to participating in these debates.

The hesitancy among Democrats to engage in a traditional debate format with Trump underscores the unique challenges and considerations Biden’s campaign faces in the lead-up to the 2024 election.