BREAKING NOW: Gaetz Announces His Attack Plans


( – BREAKING NEWS NOW: A day after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) worked with Democrats to prevent a government shutdown, U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.) announced his intention to challenge McCarthy’s leadership role.

Just moments ago, Gaetz stated on CNN, “I do intend to file a motion to vacate against Speaker McCarthy this week. I think we need to rip off the Band-Aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy.”

This declaration by Gaetz followed McCarthy’s efforts to rally Democratic votes, ensuring a short-term spending bill’s passage in the House on Saturday, successfully sidestepping a government shutdown. While Gaetz and some GOP stalwarts resisted the continuing resolution, the measure was passed with a 335–91 vote.

A notable figure from the House Freedom Caucus who resisted the bipartisan spending bill, Gaetz charged McCarthy with deceit during the resolution’s discussions.

“Look, the one thing everybody has in common is that nobody trusts Kevin McCarthy. He lied to Biden, he lied to House conservatives,” commented Gaetz. “He had appropriators marking to a different number altogether. And the reason we were backed up against the shutdown politics is not a bug of the system. It’s a feature.”

Rumors suggest that Gaetz has contacted various Democrats concerning McCarthy’s removal, including House Rules Committee’s Democrat, Jim McGovern (Mass.). According to Politico, potential successors to McCarthy, as mentioned by Gaetz, include Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R., Minn.) and Rules Committee Chair Tom Cole (R., Okla.). Contradicting these claims, Gaetz asserted it was “false” that he had discussions with Democrats about contesting McCarthy.

Mike Lawler (R., N.Y.) remarked, “I think it’s clear that Matt Gaetz is trying to undermine the Republican majority and the speaker for his own personal and political purposes.” He added, “And I think the fact that he would even entertain the idea of working with the squad and progressive Democrats to undermine the House majority speaks volumes.”

Some Republicans had advocated for reduced aid to Ukraine and more substantial budgetary reductions in the package. They also contested an all-encompassing spending bill, calling instead for separate bills to allocate funds to government sectors. On September 12, Gaetz had warned McCarthy, “Do these things or face a motion to vacate the chair.”

In response to those challenging him, McCarthy said on Saturday, “Go ahead and try.” He further expressed, “You know what? If I have to risk my job for standing up for the American public, I will do that.”