BOMBSHELL: Biden’s Brother Links Family to China Deal

James Biden

( – In a confession sure to deepen suspicions of the Biden family business, the president’s brother, James Biden, has admitted to the FBI that the Biden family tried to help a Communist China corporation take over a US natural gas facility.

James Biden’s admission was exposed on Wednesday as the GOP-led House Ways and Means Committee released a 700-page trove of materials on the five-year-long federal investigation into First Son Hunter Biden.

The documents were released a day before Thursday’s first hearing into the Republican-led impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

The papers show that last year, his brother James “Jim” Biden confirmed to federal investigators the family sought to assist CEFC China Energy Co., a now-defunct state-owned Chinese conglomerate, to buy a liquid natural gas port in Louisiana, Breitbart News reports.

The report emphasizes that CEFC was connected with Chinese leader Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party. Its chairman, Ye Jianming, was a business partner of Hunter Biden.

According to the documents, the president’s brother disclosed to the FBI that he met with Jianming once, and the meeting was over CEFC’s interest in buying the US energy asset.

“James B noted that RHB portrayed CEFC to him as Chairman Ye was a protégé of President Xi,” FBI agents wrote in a memo.

“James B recalled that the life-changing meeting was the deal with Monkey Island. Monkey Island was off the coast of Louisiana near the Gulf of Mexico. James B stated that there was room for a port to be developed and that the properties were pre-approved,” the FBI memo said.

“The island was 50-100 miles from the Gulf of Mexico and that there was a clear passage to offload and load gas. CEFC was supposed to buy it from Greg Michaels (‘Michaels’) (the CEO and Owner in control of Monkey Island),” the document reveals.

President Joe Biden’s brother also confessed that he collaborated with Louisiana state officials on the deal, which failed eventually.

“James B recalled talking with appropriate people in the governor’s office regarding the permits and recalled that it was supposed to be on a fast track,” the FBI memo informed.

The newly-revealed FBI document confirms information from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell,” reported in 2021, that in 2017, the future first son and his uncle worked to enable the Chinese corporation to take over the Louisiana natural gas facility.