Biden’s Most Bizarre Statement


( – Reflecting on his time as Vice President during the Obama administration, Biden mistakenly made the most bizarre statement by linking that period to the COVID-19 pandemic years after he left office.

At a campaign event with the NAACP, the 81-year-old mentally unfitted Democrat recalled, “When I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic and what happened was, Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit! Help fix it,’” although it remains unclear exactly which crisis he was referring to.

The confusion might relate to his 2011 claim that the Obama administration rescued the American auto industry during the 2008 financial crisis, not the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden’s recent slip-up occurred during his commencement speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta, where he applauded a valedictorian who advocated for an “immediate and a permanent cease-fire.”

This visit was Biden’s first to a college campus amid the recent wave of anti-Israel protests that began in mid-April.

Although Biden supports a ceasefire in Gaza, he has consistently backed Israel in its conflict with Hamas, which has caused tensions with progressives.

At Morehouse, a historically black all-male college, some faculty and students protested Biden’s presence, while some other attendees showed their disapproval by turning their backs on him during his speech.

In response, Biden expressed his support for peaceful protest and assured the audience, “Your voices should be heard. I promise you I hear them.”

Addressing the Middle East crisis, he emphasized, “It’s a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, that’s why I’ve called for an immediate cease-fire — an immediate cease-fire to stop the fighting, bring the hostages home and I’ve been working on a deal as we speak.”

Acknowledging the mixed reactions, the Democrat added, “I know it angers and frustrates many of you, including in my family.”

As Biden navigates these complex issues, his support among black Americans appears to be waning.

A Pew Research Center survey shows a decline in his approval ratings among black voters—a sharp contrast to the overwhelming support he received in the 2020 elections.

Furthermore, an NBC News poll indicates that while Biden still leads over Donald Trump among black voters, his margin has significantly narrowed since the last presidential election.

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