Army: We Need THESE Soldiers Back In Uniform


( – After staunchly defending an extreme-left policy that diminished our troops’ numbers, the U.S. Army is currently attempting to re-enlist soldiers previously discharged for non-compliance with the Biden administration’s coronavirus vaccine mandate.

This initiative is evident in a letter distributed to and shared online by former servicemembers. See the letter below.

This letter, addressed to “Former Service Member,” indicates new Army guidelines designed to amend military records of those dismissed under the vaccine mandate. This amendment would allow re-enlistment of those previously barred due to specific codes on their DD-214 forms.

The vaccine mandate, initiated by the Biden administration in August 2021, led to the discharge of over 8,000 troops, sidelined tens of thousands of National Guard members (resulting in lost drill time and pay), and influenced many to opt out of re-enlistment.

Despite numerous requests for exemptions on religious, administrative, or medical grounds, most were either denied or pending when the mandate was rescinded by the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, influenced by House Republicans. This occurred amidst a significant recruitment crisis in the military.

Brad Miller, a former soldier affected by the mandate, received this letter and has urged the Army to compensate those who were punished, discharged, or resigned due to the mandate. He questions why the Army doesn’t offer compensation and adjust pensions for those affected, suggesting that the Department of Defense (DoD) is incapable of self-correction due to questionable loyalty among its officers and higher-level officials.

Following the mandate’s rescission, an Army memo formally ceased further discharges related to the vaccine, aimed to clear records of punitive actions due to the mandate, prohibited further punitive actions, and allowed servicemembers to upgrade their discharges and consider re-enlistment.

In an article for American Mind, retired Army Maj. Chase Spears linked these recent actions to the Army’s dismal recruiting figures. He observed that the Army’s policy reversal might be a response to consecutive years of failing to meet recruiting goals, which he attributes to the Army’s engagement in progressive social policies.

Spears also detailed the discrimination faced by unvaccinated soldiers under commanders eager to enforce the mandate. He compared this to the leniency shown towards other medical requirements, highlighting the creation of a two-class system within the military based on vaccination status.

Spears criticized Major General Douglas Sims’s handling of unvaccinated personnel, questioning whether Sims, now promoted, would treat re-entering unvaccinated officers fairly.

Spears concluded by calling for senior Army officials to apologize for their handling of the COVID-19 policy and stressed the importance of preventing such authoritarian behavior in the military in the future.