A ‘Group of Liars and Cowards’


(GoRealNewsNow.com) – US Congress members from both parties are “liars and cowards” because they ignore the forecasts that Social Security and Medicare will go bankrupt in a decade, Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie has declared.

Former New Jersey Governor Christie, an ally-turned-enemy of former President Donald Trump, insisted that urgent changes should be made to both programs to keep them afloat and preserve them.

“The most disgusting part of Joe Biden’s State of the Union address this year was when he stood up, and he said, ‘We’ll all agree, right? We’re not going to do anything to Social Security?’ And both sides got up and cheered,” Christie told a conference in Atlanta on Saturday, as cited by The Hill.

“[They’re] a group of liars and cowards, because they know that in 10 years, Medicare will be bankrupt. And in 11 years, Social Security will be bankrupt,” the former governor said at the event organized by conservative radio host Erick Erickson.

Christie argued Social Security and Medicare benefits for young people had to be changed regardless of the “political risk” because, in a decade, both programs would find themselves out of funds for everyone, just as the federal government faces a skyrocketing national debt.

Federal analysis has shown that the Social Security fund would be insolvent in 10 years. That would slash benefits tremendously since, once that happens, it would only be able to hand out the money it receives.

Last week, a report by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a nonpartisan nonprofit, estimated that if the fund goes insolvent in 2033, the benefits for an average retired couple would collapse by over $17,000 per year.

Christie argued eligibility age for Americans under 50 should be raised, as it would affect only younger people, thus giving them enough time to plan for the changes.

“We can make real savings over the long term by playing with eligibility age,” he said.

The former New Jersey governor stressed both Republicans and Democrats were scared by the idea and its political ramifications.

“We have got to have this conversation. And other than me, nobody in this race is willing to talk about it. It’s ridiculous,” he said, calling also for income eligibility.

“I’m sure he’s collecting it, but Warren Buffett does not need Social Security,” Christie added.