Special Forces Group Issues Alarming Warning


(GoRealNewsNow.com) – Attributing the risk to Joe Biden’s ineffective foreign and open border policies, the U.S. Special Operations Group issued a stark warning about the heightened threat of a major Islamic terrorist attack on the U.S.

The Special Operations Association of America (SOAA) Chairman and former Acting Secretary of Defense under former President Donald Trump, Christopher Miller, expressed the organization’s “grave concern” in a letter about the increased risk of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil and against U.S. and allied interests abroad.

The SOAA, which includes thousands of Army Rangers, Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Raiders, Air Force Air Commandos and other special operators, pointed to Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan as a significant factor in the elevated threat environment.

Moreover. Biden’s withdrawal left the U.S. “without a viable stay-behind or over-the-horizon counterterrorism and intelligence capability to suppress threats,” allowing Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda to regain strength in the region.

“The United States has lost significant intelligence collection capabilities in the region, leaving federal authorities blind and deaf to emerging threats emanating from the region,” the letter said.

It continued, “[T]he creation of new and reestablishment of previous terrorist training camps within Afghanistan has led to successful, deadly attacks by the Islamic State’s regional branch against targets in Iran and Russia and elsewhere, adding further credence to the notion that the U.S. is at risk.”

The letter also claimed that such a risk is compounded by developments in the Middle East and the porous, unsecured southern border through which they have seen numerous instances of individuals on terrorist watchlists and others from adversarial countries attempting to enter the U.S.

Furthermore, several federal departments and agencies have echoed similar warnings about the current threats facing the U.S.

For instance, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified last year that foreign terrorists were attempting to exploit Biden’s open border policies to carry out attacks on the U.S.

When asked if the situation resembled the pre-9/11 environment, where officials saw “blinking red lights” signaling an impending attack, Wray responded: “I see blinking lights everywhere I turn.”

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