Pentagon Covers for Biden’s Lie?!


( – In an attempt to hide the ugly truth, a Pentagon spokeswoman tried to cover for Joe Biden’s memory lapse during Thursday night’s presidential debate.

During the debate with former President Donald Trump, Biden said, “The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this — this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did.”

A reporter asked Department of Defense deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh if “the Pentagon stands by those remarks.”

“Thank you for the question. For more on the president’s comments and on the debate itself, I’d refer you to the White House,” she said.

“But in terms of our service members who have been killed in some tragic events around the world … you’ve seen the president call these families to express condolences. This is someone that has intimately experienced the commitment and dedication of what our military does,” she added.

Since Biden took office, there have been 16 U.S. troops killed overseas, with 13 during the retreat from Afghanistan on Aug. 26, 2021, and three just five months ago in Jordan. Biden also glossed over the large number of U.S. troops that have died in training incidents during his time in office.

In April 2023, nine soldiers were killed during a training exercise in Kentucky. Additionally, 20 U.S. service members have died in Osprey-related crashes from March 2022 through November 2023.

When pressed a second time, another reporter asked, “Just to be clear, was the president’s statement incorrect?”

“Again, not trying to get involved in that,” Singh remarked.

Additionally, it was not until she was asked a third time that the reporter finally got Singh to answer when he asked, “Has President Biden had service members die anywhere in the world during his time in office?”

“As you have reported on, we have certainly had service members pass during this administration, and you’ve seen not just the secretary, but the president, weigh in and comment and offer condolences,” Singh concluded.

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