Illegal Alien Child Predator Captured


( – In undeniable proof that the Biden-Harris administration’s open-border policy endangers America, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have arrested a Bolivian illegal alien child predator in Virginia.

Additionally, ICE separately charged the man with possession of child pornography and driving under the influence.

According to a statement released by the Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in Washington, D.C, ICE agents apprehended Jose Fabricio Veizaga-Vargas in Annandale, Virginia.

Veizaga, a 36-year-old illegal alien, first entered the U.S. in April 2023. He crossed the Texas border and was caught by authorities, who then released him with a notice to appear before an immigration judge at a later date.

ICE stepped in after Fairfax County officials repeatedly refused to honor immigration detainers against Veizaga despite his criminal record.

On July 15, the illegal man was convicted of misdemeanor sexual assault involving a child aged 13 to 14 and sentenced to six months in jail. However, the court suspended his sentence.

After the sentence was suspended, the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center ignored an immigration detainer against Veizaga and released him without notifying ERO.

On August 8, Veizaga was arrested again and charged with misdemeanor DWI as a first offense, with a blood alcohol content of 0.15 to 0.20%. Once more, the Fairfax County Detention Center ignored an immigration detainer and released him without informing ERO.

Just a week later, on August 15, the criminal was arrested in Fairfax County yet again, this time charged with seven counts of felony possession of child pornography and felony possession of obscene material involving a minor.

Despite these serious charges, the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center ignored a third immigration detainer and released him once more.

Finally, ERO Washington agents arrested Veizaga on August 19 and issued him a notice of custody determination.

“Jose Fabricio Veizaga-Vargas is a convicted sex offender who victimized a minor in Northern Virginia,” said Liana Castano, the ERO Washington, D.C., field office director.

“We cannot allow such an obvious danger to threaten the children of our community. ERO Washington, D.C., will continue to prioritize public safety by arresting and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from our Washington, D.C., and Virginia neighborhoods,” she concluded.

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