Biden’s SHOCKING Decision Revealed!


( – In a shocking decision that might enrage the whole nation, Joe Biden has approved the terrorist Republic of Iran to set up absentee voting stations across the United States for its upcoming presidential election.

According to Voice of America, a U.S. government-owned news network and global radio broadcaster, Iranian Foreign Ministry official Alireza Mahmoudi recently announced to Iranian state media that Iran plans to establish numerous ballot stations across the U.S.

Iran asserts that the U.S. hosts 30% of its diaspora, the largest portion of any country, as per the report.

“The U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey estimates there are about half a million people born in Iran or of Iranian origin in the U.S., while the Iranian American nonprofit group National Union for Democracy in Iran, or NUFDI, says it has a higher estimate of more than 1 million,” the report said.

The U.S. State Department also told the publication that it anticipates Iran’s election to be tainted by corruption, casting doubts on its legitimacy.

Moreover, the Biden-Harris administration, often criticized for its perceived foreign policy weaknesses towards Iran, downplayed concerns over Iran conducting elections on U.S. soil, citing previous occurrences.

Richard Goldberg, Senior Adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and former director for Countering Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Trump administration, criticized the decision, labeling it “theater of the absurd.”

“How and why we would facilitate such a charade for a state sponsor of terrorism that is hunting Americans every day is beyond me,” Goldberg stated, questioning the legitimacy of Iran’s ballot stations in the U.S. and their ties to the Iranian government.

Iranian activist and actress Nazanin Boniadi, residing in the U.K., denounced Biden’s move, calling it “preposterous.”

“The idea of a free and fair election under the Islamic Republic is a fiction,” Boniadi remarked. “While regime opponents are calling for a boycott, the U.S. inexplicably allows absentee ballots for this sham?”

The decision to permit Iran to operate election activities within the U.S. has sparked controversy and raised concerns about its implications for U.S.-Iran relations and national security.

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